Anyway, I had a beautiful mother's day with 6 of my 7 children. I am very blessed to have my children living nearby. We spent a wonderful day together going to church and out to lunch together then everyone came to the house for Abbey's 14 th birthday and Mother's day celebration. The weather was beautiful and we ate outside, roasting marshmellows even.
I captured some beautiful pictures of the kids and grandkids. Abbey got a new adult size tricycle. She was so excited she took off down the road full speed. After dinner she took a little spill on it and got some road rash on her hands. Now she understands she has to slow down and take the corners carefully.
Here's some pictures of the day! Leave me some love if you visit.

I view your blog every couple of days to see if you have posted! I love your work :)
Jody Cooper of
Jody Cooper Photography
New Mexico!
Thank you Jody, that is nice to know!I will check out your site also.
Have a great day!
I love the pictures of Abbey - you can see how happy she is! Looks like the whole family was enjoying each other and being together. What fun!!
Can you believe we were out shooting on Mother's Day? : ) We celebrated a little early by going to lunch and the movies the day before.
Hi Elaine,
I check out your blog once in a while and you work is just great! Beautiful, actually. I love everything about it. Keep up the wonderful work.
Hi Elaine,
Just wanted to tell you how much I love your photography. Saw your work on and had to check out your site. I'm so glad I did. I check back often for more inspiration, thank you so much for sharing your work! Doug Scroggins
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