Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Senior Session with Beautiful Sisters

These girls were so much fun. We dragged them all over down town and took hundreds of pictures. And you should have seen the heads turn walking down main street in Prescott. At one point someone yelled out "Is that Paris Hilton" Yea right? Paris has nothing on these girls. Anyway it was a fun day and I enjoyed having my daughter Molly assist me. Couldn't have done it with out her.


Anonymous said...

Hey this is Asha. Thank you so much for taking all of the lovely pictures! You have made it very hard to pick just a few! why did you have go and be so gosh darn talented! You will have to shoot us again sometime. thank you so much-Asha

Elaine Marie Photography said...


Thank you Asha you are a beautiful girl inside and out.Let me know when you want to do some pics of you and your boy!